Tuesday, March 27, 2007

End of the Year Enkai

Last night was the end of the school year enkai. Another fun, crazy time with the teachers. This meal was mostly all sashimi. I ate all sorts of interesting raw fish and sea things. The kicker was this giant fish head that is the speciality of the house. Good thing it was cooked. And yes, I ate it...and it was good. The teacher next to me was devouring the eye of the fish that was the size of my fist. Mmm...fish eyes.
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Three of my favorite teachers...two of them are leaving to go to a new school.
:( Boo hoo.
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The aftermath...
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Ashihara-sensei and my vice principal Kanda-sensei
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Morita-sensei doing God knows what...and he wasn't even drinking.
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We did karaoke after the enkai. Fun. I didn't even think to take pictures. Damn!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Purikura III

More random purikura shots from this weekend in Kumagaya with Elena, Lynnette, David and CJ.

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And our "oh so very Japanese" pose...no smiles and stiff as a board...
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Purikura : Part II

I did some more fabulous purikura shots over the weekend. This time a little 3rd grader "helped" us and even invited herself to decorate some of my pictures. Ain't that just precious? Not really...but I guess she was kinda cute.

Lynnette and I scared in a Japanese graveyard.
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Me scared.
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I have laser beam eyes...you can get those out here in Japan, you know.
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Mmm...we like cake.
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Swimmin' with the fishes...
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One of my laser beams had some issues...explains the patch.
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We love festival fireworks and chocobananas!
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Monday, March 12, 2007

Harumatsuri (Spring Festival)

Sunday was the Yamada Harumatsuri. It was quite fun. I got to pull a three ton float with a bunch of drunk Japanese guys. Here are some pics from the festival.

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This little girl is a "maiko" or a geisha-in-training.
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The devil? Not sure...
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Another float...
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Some festival food stands.
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Amazake...sweet sake. Very good, especially on a cold day.
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Drunk Japanese guy and Teru
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More float boys...
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Shine the light on me...
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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Morning Walk to Hitsujiyama

Hitsujiyama is the "mountain" behind my house. It means "sheep mountain", but I've yet to see any sheep.

There is a pretty good view of Chichicbu on a clear morning. Here are some pics at sunrise.

The first signs of Spring
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View from above
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Koenbashi Bridge
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Another bridge
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Mt. Buko
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Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Many Faces of Jamie

Today I was at elementary school and had my last lessons of the year with two of my second grade classes and one first grade class (the school year in Japan ends in late March and begins in April). They made "THANK YOU" cards for me. Many of them included pictures of Jamie-sensei. Kids can be so cute...when they aren't snotting all over you and trying to give you kanchos.

I've been turned into an anime character...

Ummm...I look like Jay Leno.

Kaito drew me and my future husband. Grrr...he'll be wearing a blue toga and red boots when I find him. But look how happy we are!

Ayuo saw the future as well. Heck, I'm bigger than him, but that was never an issue. I'll carry him over the threshold.

Apparently I am following the Britney Spears shaved head trend...while I am pooping out a star.

Well, hell...it really isn't that far off. He got the head size right.

Me kicking my future husband to the curb. Sayonara! And take your red boots with ya!


I tried really hard to keep a straight face when Mikuyori gave this to me. Almost shed a tear with laughter over this one.

I look like a damn lumberjack.

Where's my flannel shirt, jeans, and tree choppin' axe? And when did I grow a beard?