Saturday, July 21, 2007

Goodbye Letters

My JHS students wrote me letters. It was cute. A lot of the girls put purikura stickers on their letter, so I will be able to remember their faces. I have a few addresses and I have promised to be a pen pal to some. Yay. I do hope to keep in touch with a few of these kids. I know they will have promising futures. I told them I was "maybe" coming back to visit again in spring. Anyone down for a trip to the 'Bu in March 2008? :)

Flowers. They DO love me.
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Noriko's letter to me. She will be one of my pen pals. Such a sweetheart.
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Kanae's letter.
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They were supposed to draw pictures in the bottom right hand corner of the letter.
Here is a cute one.
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This kid wanted me to know that he had no "imagination" to draw.
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And perhaps one of my favorite letters from Wataru, one of my 15 year old kendo boys. Finally, someone sees me for what I really am. :)
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And his picture. He wanted me to remember that he wears black glasses, or "brack megane" (glasses.)
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