Tuesday, March 27, 2007

End of the Year Enkai

Last night was the end of the school year enkai. Another fun, crazy time with the teachers. This meal was mostly all sashimi. I ate all sorts of interesting raw fish and sea things. The kicker was this giant fish head that is the speciality of the house. Good thing it was cooked. And yes, I ate it...and it was good. The teacher next to me was devouring the eye of the fish that was the size of my fist. Mmm...fish eyes.
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Three of my favorite teachers...two of them are leaving to go to a new school.
:( Boo hoo.
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The aftermath...
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Ashihara-sensei and my vice principal Kanda-sensei
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Morita-sensei doing God knows what...and he wasn't even drinking.
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We did karaoke after the enkai. Fun. I didn't even think to take pictures. Damn!


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