Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Club G

So, there are many hostess bars in seems like there is one on every corner. I guess you could say hostesses are modern-day Geishas. They are paid to serve drinks and entertain men. They are not known to be prostitutes, but who knows what goes on after hours.

Well, we ladies in Chichibu are lucky enought to have a HOST BAR called Club G. where we can be entertained by the prettiest of men. I haven't been inside yet, but I have put it on my "to-do" list before I leave Japan.

Hmmm...which one to choose?
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Host #1 Hmmm...I'll pass.
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Host #2 NEXT!!!
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Host #3 Check, please!
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Host #4 If I had to choose...I guess it would be this guy. He looks like a great conversationalist.
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And here are their prices per hour.
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One hour for 9 bucks?! Not a bad deal. But if they don't speak English and I don't speak Japanese, I wonder if there is a discount.

Would they be offended if I asked for a lap dance...or make-up tips?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure those are guys?? LOL
Miss you.

2:20 AM  

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