Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Apartment

This is my apartment...

Apartment 102 in Chichibu. And yes, that is my super "kawaii" name in katakana.

My tatami room, also my bedroom.

My toilet room...

Check out the plug going into the wall...yes, that is the cord that will be responsible for the ass-warming in the winter.

My sink and laundry room...

My bathtub and shower room...

And my talking shower temperature controller thingy...

My kitchen...

My dining room/ living room...

Note: Computer in the window sill stealing the neighbor's wireless.

My view from the sliding glass door in the living room. Check out the sweet rim that has been sitting there since I moved in. If it only fit my scooter wheels...

View facing East, behind my apartment...

The strange hermit crab spidery beetle bug thing that I see everytime I sit down to eat. Turns out it is a cicada shell. Never seen one of those before. 

          THE END (you know I had to put a firework in this somewhere.)



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